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"i take pictures because i love to create something new by putting my thoughts, ideas, and heart into it. photos allow me to remember small details in my everyday life that can show how i felt during an entire time. often everything seems so important but meaningless at the same time. there is a feeling of heaviness mixed with lightness that i try to portray in my work, because it is these tensions and paradoxes that i always feel. with dreamy images, magical feelings, and worlds of light, i explore what is really important,true, and real to me. i have always been most inspired by light and water. the constant change and continual motion of water and light remind me that all things in life are constantly changing. they are also the most essential things for life, which emphasizes to me how humans and all living things are only a small part of a much larger cycle and system that we greatly depend on. the cycles work because everything is connected and everything is balanced. the balance of the cycle is not in two sides equally heavy. it is in continuation, like a circle or a triangle, because the third element is necessary. the third element is the recycling to start anew and continue the cycle. i want my photos to document my place and feelings in each stage of my own life cycle on earth, as well as communicate to others how i feel and see the world. photos help me keep track of the past, so i can see how things have changed, and realize that in the present moment everything is constantly changing. i think all we can do is be open to love and feel each moment as greatly as possible, but without excess or disrupting the balance of the cycle too heavily, because
everything must keep moving and starting anew."

-margaret durow
july 2010


